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Citizen dialogue

Hemsö wants to listen to those who live nearby, work or go to school in Tensta and/or visit the place. Among other things, we have conducted citizen dialogues with in-depth interviews, walks and a digital survey. The results of the dialogue form the basis for Hemsö's continued development of the area.

Voices from Tensta

We asked the question: What do you need in Tensta? In the videos below, people who live and work in Tensta say what they think Tensta needs, and what citizens of the district would like to see in their neighbourhood (in Swedish).

  • Have your say about the future of Tensta

    Do you have thoughts about Campus Tensta and Tensta Träff that you want to share?

    Please contact us
  • Tomorrow’s Tensta

    Hemsö’s vision is to create Campus Tensta – an educational campus where students of different ages and from all over Stockholm meet.

    Read more